Sunday, March 27, 2011

The Clement Family

I had so much fun last week taking pictures of the Clement family! I have known Millicent (the mom) since I was in middle school! It was so nice to catch up and spend a beautiful afternoon outside! Enjoy the slideshow!

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Weekends with the Willes

I spent Friday afternoon at the zoo with my nieces, nephew, cousin, mom and sister. Saturday we all went to the park. The weather in Nashville has been PERFECT! I am having trouble narrowing down my picture choices so here are a few more than usual!

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

I Love Weddings

I Love Weddings!!!  I love everything about them! I have always said that I would do my wedding all over again, and I would change very little! I don't advertise myself as a wedding photographer though. I have so much respect for wedding photographers. I will do small weddings but I am not equipped to do anything larger than that.  Wedding photography is one of those high stress jobs. If something happens to those pictures... If I were to get sick... I am freaking out just thinking about it! Well a small wedding in the Bahamas presented itself and I jumped at the opportunity! I had such an amazing time getting to know the bride, groom, and all of their family! They were all so laid back and so wonderful! I am so glad for the experience! here are a few of the pictures!